Tuesday, September 1, 2015


A blank page
To purge the pain.

The crying’s past,
But it comes again.
The sudden heart breaking.
The denial.
Is it true?
No. No, it can’t be.
It simply can’t be you.

The structure fails.
The rhyme breaks down.
The rhythm and meter
Can’t keep pace.
Wanting to talk.
Wanting to see.
Wanting to have one last time,
One last time!
To be.

And I look past.
It didn’t last.
The time we spent
Sharing the passion
That drove us together,
And drove us onward,
And drove you to drink,
And drove you to the brink.

And you stepped off
and walked away
Toward the peace
That was all you ever wanted.

Rest in that peace, my friend. We'll take it from here.